Who We Are

Florida Sea Grant is a university-based program that supports research, education and outreach to conserve coastal resources and enhance economic opportunities for the people of Florida.
Sea Grant Florida

Our Vision & Mission

Florida Sea Grant envisions a future with a resilient coastal zone where people use natural resources in ways that are beneficial to the economy and society and that preserve their quality and abundance for future generations.
Florida Sea Grant envisions a future with a resilient coastal zone where people use natural resources in ways that are beneficial to the economy and society and that preserve their quality and abundance for future generations.

Florida Sea Grant

Our outreach programs are delivered in conjunction with UF/IFAS Extension and coastal counties of Florida. Extension agents live and work in coastal communities.

    1. About Sea Grant Florida

    1. Aquaculture

    2. Coral Health

    3. Clean Boating

    4. Disaster Preparedness & Recovery

    5. Fisheries

    6. Fisheries: Artificial Reef Deployment and Monitoring

    7. Fisheries: Catch & Release

    8. Fisheries: Florida Friendly Angler Certification Program

    9. Fisheries: Florida Friendly Fishing Guide Certification Program

    10. Fisheries: Scalloping

    11. Harmful Algal Blooms

    12. Seafood Safety

    1. Citizen Science

    2. Our Communities

    3. Marine & Coastal Education

Florida Sea Grant

  • Free
  • 16 lessons
  • Opportunities to Volunteer
  • Publications & Resources
  • Citizen Scientist Opportunities